Friday, August 5, 2011

I want my TweetTV

I have come to both love and hate social media. I love Facebook. I even love the movie "The Social Network." If you haven't seen it yet, I find it mesmerizing and hilarious. My favorite scene of the movie...

"Eighteen thousand dollars. In addition to the one thousand dollars you already put up? A total of nineteen thousand dollars now?"

"Hang on. I'm just checking your match on that. Yes, I got the same thing."

You can sense the sarcastic place this film holds in my heart. The idea is so simple. Everyone wants there to be a party. Everyone wants to be invited to that party. That is why I enjoy the 500 "close" friends I have on my Facebook page (sarcasm again...). Still, I get to have a strange but small interaction with those that I have crossed paths with at the various intersections of life.

Mocking and taunting both me and those who are simply computer illiterate is one outlet that I have come to despise. I have a name for my pain and thy name is Twitter. I truly don't really understand the appeal of twitter. Perhaps one would understand this more if I were to say: #nogettweets. Did I do that right...not sure? I've always been behind the times. By the time I was given an atari 2600 nintendo had hit the shelves. Then nintendo was mine, only to be slapped in the face with SNES and Sega hitting the market. Still life wasn't that did choose VCR over Beta max. Score one for the good guys.

You might think that my problems stems from my tweeting inadequacy. There is a chance this is just sour grapes. You might have a point, but I think it runs deeper. Lets say that Cody Lundin (from Dual Survival fame of course) were out in some strange wilderness location. Encountering a source of water we couldn't just simply stoop and drink. We would need a filter. That filter could mean the difference between a cool, satisfying drink or vile sickness and vomiting.

Another great quote from aforementioned movie:

"It didn't stop you from writing it. As if every thought that tumbles through your head was so clever it would be a crime for it not to be shared. The internet's not written in pencil, its written in ink."

ESPN, you are better than this. I don't need tweets from Lebron in the middle of the night giving me the #champsorbust and I certainly don't care if he is taking folks to Benihana. Minnesota punter, don't care if its too cold in the North during January and your tootsies are too cold. 1) Man up 2) You are a punter and get paid a LOT of money to kick a ball 3)Please find others to be a sounding board before you put such stuff into cyberspace. In other words #cyopeeps...

Freedom of speech means freedom to say what you want. It does not mean however freedom from consequences. Random streams of consciousness are only good in blogs certainly not in tweets. Despite my having a twitter account and never checking it, I am still subjected to twitter on a daily Sportscenter basis. I have learned that in life I am only willing to go so far. I will throw out vhs tapes and swap to DVD. I will not go blue ray. I will join social media, but twitter you are the bright line, the line in the sand. All I can say is #enufisenuf...

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