Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bully Beatdown

So I have discovered a new show that is near and dear to my heart. It goes by the name of "Bully Beatdown." I haven't watched MTV since they stopped showing music, so it has been a good 15 year hiatus. Still, through the magic of my guide on my dish network, I was able to catch the title for this fantastic show.
The premise is simple. Take one bully who essentially ruins peoples' lives in ways that we only thought possible in the movies. Then you take them to the octagon for some MMA fun. The host is ridiculous (mostly because he likes to see bullies get theirs and he has the power to do take them down himself if he so desired). With $10,000 on the line the bully trains, signs a waiver and then goes head to head with an actual MMA star. Needless to say, typically the bully gets beatdown and in turn apologizes to the guys he has picked on. A beautiful ending to a not so beautiful story.
Here is where the problem lies the beginning. One such program brought a guy who just looked to fight anyone weaker than him. He even had a video of one such fight in which he was putting the moves he had learned from tv on this weaker guy. The moves weren't as impressive to me as the t-shirt he wore. On the side was a symbol I've seen quite a few times. It was the cross associated with FCA or the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Overwhelmingly, this means nothing. Many times Christians belief but fall short.
So I watched the next episode. It involved a Texas hockey player that liked to chew and pick on people. The massive silver cross around his neck stuck out to me. Later, when he went to the octagon, his shirt was off with the cross tattooed on his arm.
This seems to me to indicated a bigger problem. The cross has become a pervasive symbol in our society. It seems alright to accesorize with it, tattoo it, or whatever else one desires as long as it doesn't lead to an actual conversation about the one who died on it. That is not to mention the fact that a pronounced Christian should be the one protecting, not the one bullying.
I am thankful that I get to see guys fight and have to admit some secret joy in a bully getting what he "deserves." That after all is the American way and who am I to buck that system. I still ponder our place as Christians. Bullies or protectors...maybe we should go back to the those bracelets if that is what it takes for us to be conscious of what Jesus would do...

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